Product Variants

If you are new to Shopware and do not know what product variants are, please follow the official documentation about this topic. In Clarity&Success you add a product as a variation to another product by filling in the Art.-Nr. Lief. Hauptartikel with the product number of the main product.

Variant configuration in ClaritySuccess

The customer can then choose one variation in Shopware using the dropdown menus on the product's detail page:

Variant configuration Shopware

The dropdown values can be set using the Extra 1-7 fields of Clarity&Success. You can set what they represent in the product variations tab.


For each variation the enabled extra fields need to provide a unique value! For example: it is not possible that two variants have the same combination of extra field. If we have extra 6 representing the color and extra 7 the size, two variants always need to provide a unique combination.

To use an extra field for the variants dropdown, first click on the checkbox next to it and then give it a name (e.g. size).

Variant Extra Fields